– by Hedley Myers – Between the opening and closing of polls in Canada on October 21st, the status quo of Canadian politics was mostly upheld, but with the rumblings of a new populist era present. Long a champion of liberal values and a proponent of a more globalised world, incumbent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau […]
Tag Archives: populism
Book Presentation: Sept. 10 – Guarini Institute, Rome
September 9, 2019
“I PECCATI ORIGINALI DELLA UE”, ALLA JCU PRESENTAZIONE DEL LIBRO DI SPANNAUS Martedì 10 settembre, ore 19, a Roma, in via della Lungara 233, Trastevere “Original Sins: Globalization, Populism and the Six Contradictions Facing the European Union”: s’intitola così il nuovo libro di Andrew Spannaus – giornalista e analista politico di origine statunitense, stabilitosi a […]
Is there a Euro-Atlantic populist wave?
May 5, 2019

adapted from “Original Sins. Globalization, Populism, and the Six Contradictions Facing the European Union” – (May 2019, Mimesis International) – by Andrew Spannaus – In 2016, the world began to change, with the Brexit referendum and the election of Donald Trump. In both cases, there was a revolt of the voters, an insurrection of ‘regular […]
The Euro-Establishment’s Fear of Populism
December 24, 2018

Yellow Vests, Italian Budget Battles & Silent Labor Unions By Andrew Spannaus in Milan Special to Consortium News From the European Union’s standpoint, the historic levels of social unrest confronting French President Emmanuel Macron, one of its leading champions, came at a delicate moment in its dealings with Italy. Since mid-September, the European Commission, the EU’s executive body, […]
For Italy, Trump Represents a ‘Populist’ Opportunity
August 20, 2018

During the 2016 United States election campaign, most of Italy’s political class and media adopted the standard line about how Donald Trump was a grave threat to the stability of the Western world. Unlike previous Italian governments, which toed the pro-globalization line, the new government in Rome, supported by the anti-system Five Star Movement and the right-wingLeague, seems […]
Populism, Poverty and the German Elections
September 22, 2017

With German Chancellor Merkel expected to win reelection on Sunday, the European elites may celebrate having turned back a populist surge, but their neo-liberal policies continue to fuel discontent, says Andrew Spannaus. By Andrew Spannaus The citizens of Germany will head to the polls this Sunday, in the last of a series of elections in […]
Europe Discovers a Volatile Populism
June 16, 2017

European politicians are finding it tricky to “play the populist card,” as U.K. Prime Minister May discovered when her Conservative Party stumbled over its support for more austerity, writes Andrew Spannaus. Read the article on Consortiumnews.com
Populism v. Elites in French Election
April 21, 2017

French voters will head to the polls this Sunday to elect a new president, in the next test for the electoral revolt that has swept across Europe and the United States over the past year. Marine Le Pen of the Front National, the right-wing nationalist party seeking to exploit the wave of popular protest that […]
November 7, 2019